When I went to upload the missing essays into the grant website, lo and behold in giant red letters:
The application deadline has been extended.
Submit before 11:59 pm (EST) November 17, 2008.
Isn't that lovely? I think God and the Universe actually want me to go to graduate school even though the American system seems to be so against it. Yeah, that's right. If you've had as much stress over the past month and a half as I have had, you would be conjuring the almighty powers that be right about now as well.
So instead of having a deadline 30 minutes from now, it's been moved to 3 days from now. YAY! Not that I'll be heading to sleep before finishing this application, I do have the evil GREs coming up. As a safety, I have decided to apply for Cambridge and UCL as well. Hopefully the European recession will continue to even out the sterling (sorry, I'm a horrible human being sometimes, but 2-quid to the dollar is a bitch of an exchange rate to be honest).
At anyrate, because I need a break (and am so good at procrastinating), I am linking my escapade photos. Very glad some halfway decent shots did come out of it (after a bit of tweaking, because my anciently modern camera is now falling sub-par). I just might take this hobby up into serious-level since my uncle seems to be convinced I have "the eye". Eh, it can be plan C should being all scientific not work out. Plan B is top secret.
Here's the link to my San Francisco escape with Nohemi:
Nature always seems to have the answer for me.
Future escapades are currently in the works. Yay! Jess is totally in on hopping over to London to have tea with Saskia (and her future Duke-entitled husband). Who else might want to come with? The plan: 7-10 days, but NOT all in London because I will shoot myself if I have to spend that much time in a place that lacks sun.
Well here's the rundown:
Deadline - Program
- Nov 6 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
- Nov 14 Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowship
- Nov 18 Graduate Record Exam (GRE)
- Nov 20+21 SUNY StonyBrook visit
- Dec 15 Washington St. Louis application deadline
- Jan 1 Arizona State University
- Jan 2 Harvard University
- Jan 5 George Washington University
- Jan 10 University of Missouri - Columbia
- Jan 15 SUNY Stony Brook
Two down, and only the rest of my life to go.
I just keep telling myself, one day I'll be able to google-scholar myself!
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