Halloween in New York City. If only I could enjoy this week with friends considering:
a) The spaniards invaded the museum, and among them is a dear colleague from Atapuerca and Pinilla, Bea.
b) Museum fun!
c) Children and adults masquerading and trick or treating ALL OVER THE MUSEUM
d) New York City's official debauchery launch of the holiday season (turkey day, chrismannukwanzakah, and New Year's are just a hop, skip and jump away).
But no. Instead I spent the whole day running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Drugging myself with burnt-tasting excellent espresso (I can't believe I already destroyed my 2-week old Moka espresso maker), dragging myself to the museum to have a really quick (and incredibly nerve-wracking) chat with Dr. Dan Lieberman (who nearly dashed my dreams of graduate school thanks to my lack of actual math and biology in college... FUCK ME for being such an overachiever in high school... thusly achieving far too much, and apparently NOT FUCKING ENOUGH in actual COLLEGE). At least he was nice enough to me about encouraging application, and really trying to sell the Harvard program.
So why do I seem unhappy?
Because I get star-struck, like the DORK that I am, with very talented and intellectual people. So like that time I nearly impaled myself with an office desk and knocked my teeth out with the door exiting Prof. DiFiore's office after chatting with him, I basically BOLTED out the room after having a very pleasant chat with Dr. Lieberman.
Dear lord, why am I such a DORK?!?!
At any rate, today was a photocopying-mad dash through libraries and collections day. I MUST finish these grants by this weekend. Therefore I am putting myself under HOUSE ARREST for the rest of this week (minus election day because seriously, I'll be too preoccupied to be typing off).
Anyone want to help me edit? I would love you forever... and bake you a cookie. Or two.
Happy halloween!
Upcoming events:
Nov. 1-6: House arrest. Full lockdown. No contact with outside world...except for finding new Moka espresso pot.
Nov. 8-12: San Francisco, CA!!! With Uncle Toni and Auntie Bombai... and NOHEMI!!! Yosemite National Park! YAAAAAY!!! TREEEES!!! :-)
Mid-November: Grad program visits, GREs, etc
Late-November: pre-thanksgiving gatherings!!!
December: Graduate program applications. Another round of LOCKING MYSELF UP FOR THE MONTH.
Then birthdays, Christmas, (maybe kwistah?), SASKIA!!!, CHRISTINA!!!, New Year's... and who knows!
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