Saturday, February 06, 2010

Dailies: The Post-It Notes Reading Series

Since being in grad school and on Long Island has dried up my shutterbug-juices, I thought blogging about positive things, deleting old emo posts, hitting up the gym to get a bit skinnier so those relatives will stop pinching my sides, and maybe diving into the dating pool could make my 2010 a much better year than this past one. Also, I need to cure myself of my facebook-procrastinating addiction...

And so, after seeing a post from a friend about NPR's "This American Life"'s 2008 episode on Valentine's heartbreak and single-dom, I happened upon The Post-it Note Stories website.

Apparently, there are open reading events at the KGB Bar downtown in the East Village.
Events: V-day Slideshow & Cartoons w/ Tim Krieder

Seems to be the coolest thing I've found lately, and is inspiring me to re-wet my creative juices (that stuff that died at some point during my first semester of grad school). I think everyone should try it!
Post-it Note Stories Blog

Post-it Note Stories Website

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